

From The Learning Engineer's Knowledgebase

An interface is where a person interacts with a technology device. An interface can be anything in which the user can control the device, input information, and receive information.


The interface of a technology is where a user controls the device or software, inputs information, and receives information.

Interfaces are the points of contact (e.g., screens, buttons, clicks) where interaction between the person and a computer occur.

Additional Information

Interfaces are a critical part of educational technology. The interface is where a person can control a device, issue it commands, input information, and recieve information. Interfaces consist of screens, buttons, displays, and navigation elements.

Interfaces provide four functions to users so that they can interact with technology:

  1. User control. Through the interface, users will control the device or software.
  2. User input. In an interface, users issue commands and input information.
  3. User navigation. The interface allows for a user to navigate the various functions of the technology.
  4. Receiving information. The technology interface will deliver information to the user, either through a display or some other indicator (e.g., sound, light, vibration).

The interface is also a part of the look and feel of the technology (i.e., the aesthetic), which designers will also need to consider when designing technology.

Interfaces are an area of concern in software and technology user design. Specifically, interfaces designers should consider developing effective user experiences (UX) and user interfaces (UI). The usability of a technology is concerned with how a technology is easy to use for a person to perform the four functions listed above.

Examples of interfaces

Interfaces come in many types, as long as users have access to all four functions listed above.

  • Device screens (e.g., a tablet, a cell phone)
  • Software and website buttons and screens
  • Laptop and desktop computer keyboards
  • A video game controller and game screen
  • Touch interface (a phone screen, a touch-screen laptop computer)
  • Voice interface (e.g., Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Google Assistant)
  • Buttons, lights, sounds, vibration (e.g., a remote control)

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